What if YOU cannot afford Acoustic Treatment for your room?

What if YOU cannot afford Acoustic Treatment for your room?

We understand that times can be a bit tight for many of us currently but your ears and creativity don't have to suffer! In this video we cover four different options to consider if you cannot currently afford acoustic treatments for your space, but still want to get a better recording or listening environment!

The four main options we recommend considering:

1. Treat your room over time in pieces

2. Split your payments up / Finance the order

3. Wait (Rome wasn't built in a day)

4. Go DIY! (Do it yourself)

- Link to the DIY "Signature Series" NGA Premium Acoustic Fabrics mentioned in this video:


Sessions include:

  • Help you with the correct room layout for optimal results
  • Create a proper acoustic treatment design plan(s)
  • Answer any questions you have regarding your room
  • Help you get the best possible use out of your available space
  • Follow up with a detailed list covering our conversation points and a personalized link the solutions to be implemented within your space!


Our premium hand-made acoustical treatment solutions are designed to be effective, beautiful and highly functional. NGA focuses on QUALITY with the goal of providing the BEST non-gimmick sound treatment products available today.

If you have questions about how you can get the most out of your room and better optimize it to it's fullest potential, fill out our FREE ROOM ANALYSIS FORM here: https://ngacoustics.com/pages/free-room-analysis

International Customers: Outside of the United States but in need of some authentic, hand-made, American-made acoustic treatments for your space?

NO PROBLEM! Our GLOBAL SHIPPING REQUEST FORM was made just for you! This form allows us to get an accurate shipping quote for your custom order!

It's simple, quick and easy to complete!


Thanks for watching and we wish you happy ears for years!

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